
The weather forecast for tomorrow is not looking too great. Tonight, there is a 60% chance of rain with temperatures dropping to 64 degrees. The wind will be calm coming from the north.

Tomorrow, there is a high chance of showers and the possibility of strong storms throughout the day. The chance of rain is 80% with a high of 76 degrees.

Looking ahead at the 7-day forecast, it seems like it will be a mostly cloudy week with big chances of rain tonight and into tomorrow. The chances of rain will decrease slightly until Saturday. Despite the rain, temperatures will remain warmer than normal, ranging from the high 70s to low 80s. The lows will stay steady in the upper 50s.

It’s important to stay updated on the weather conditions, so make sure to follow us on Twitter @NLIWeather for any breaking weather updates. NewsLink Indiana is a proud Ambassador for the NOAA Weather-Ready Nation program. Being prepared for severe weather is crucial, so for more information about the Weather-Ready Nation program, click HERE.

Remember to stay safe and prepared for the incoming storms.